Free Trade Unions of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture (FTUAEC)
The Free Trade Unions of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture has been founded in November 1905 as a “Society of Covering, Printing and Lithography Workers” under the name of the Union of Printers, and since 1953 it has continued to function as Trade Union of the Employees of Culture.
Since December 25, 1992 the Union has functioned under the name of Free Trade Unions of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture.
The Free Trade Union Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture since February 5, 1993 is a member of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC).
The Free Trade Unions of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture is an independent organization uniting 53.238 members (as of 01.01.2011)
Totally, the Union comprises 781 trade-union organizations.
Of them:
1 - Republican Committee;
64 – City and regional committees;
402 – trade-union committees;
314 - trade-union organizations.
42.051 members of the Union or 79, 8 % are women, 19.988 persons or 37, 55 % are youth.
In 2009 the Republican Committee has sealed separate Branch Agreements with each of the structures it serves – the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Azerbaijan Republic, as well as with the Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting Closed Joint-Stock Company (AzTV) for a period of 3 (three) years.
The Free Trade Union Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture since 1992 is a member of Trade Unions International (MOP), since 2001 – a member of the Public Services International (PSI) and since 2009 – a member of the European Public Services Union(EPSU).
Simultaneously, the Free Trade Union Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Employees of Culture, through the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) takes active part in work of the International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) and General Confederation of Trade unions (VKP), strengthens links on cooperation with the mentioned organizations.