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The topic discussed is one of the urgent issues of the time

04 Oct 2018

"Decent labor is considered to be one of the main directions of the national economy and social policy in the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

It is no coincidence that the Country Program for the Decent Work for 2016-2020 has been adopted with the participation of the trade union. The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan has been implementing a long-term action plan to ensure fulfillment of this Program. ".
On October 4, these words were said by the State Committee for Public Employees 'Public Affairs and Public Employees' Committee in a report on the seminar on Health and Safety of the New Generation dedicated to the "October 7 - Worldwide Decent Work Day" held in Saatli.
Deputy Chairman of the Republican Committee Abulfaz Mehdiyev said that the topic we are discussing is one of the crucial issues of our time. According to the International Labor Organization's statistics, around two million people die each year in the world as a result of malicious and dangerous labor conditions. For a number of reasons, young workers are more likely to enter the risk group. For these reasons, inexperience, lack of awareness of existing hazards and accidents in the workplace, lack of knowledge and experience in safety and labor hygiene, poor knowledge of the legislation and so on.
A.Mehdiyev noticed that the situation in youth safety and health is not satisfactory in our country. "The data of the Republican Statistical Committee confirm that:" The number of people injured in the accident in 2016 was 92 people. Of these, 40 are young people between the ages of 18 and 29. It is true that the situation with the safety of workers in the services of the trade union is much better. But not completely satisfactory.
Every year, the Republic holds a competition under the slogan "Protection of labor and healthy production". Winners are rewarded. By the way, our union's enterprises are actively involved in this competition and take part in some of the winners. "