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Aqil Dadashov Isakh

The Vice-president of ATUC, Chief Editor of “Ülfət” newspaper


aqilHe was born in 1955. He graduated Journalism faculty of Azerbaijan State University.

He had started his career at the evening edition of “Baku” and “Bakı” newspapers. From 1951 to 1952 he was working at ATUC’s newspaper “Ülfət” as an executive secretary and deputy of chief editor.   He has been working as a chief editor since 1992.

He was elected a vice-president of ATUC in 1998. He is a member of the Trade Union Confederation Council, “Assembly ” and Executive Committee.

He was awarded with the horory title of “ Honord Art worker”, the medal of "100th anniversary of ATUC" and some othe international trade unions awards.

He is a member of the council of transmission of “Public television and radio” company.

He is married and has 2 children.




The newspaper of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation



The first issue of the newspaper “Ulfet” was published in May 1991. The first years of independence it was the newspaper which published with the most circulations among the area editions. It played an exceptional role in the formation of the trade unions.

Nowadays, it’s one of the most popular and the most draws editions of the movement of Azerbaijan Trade Unions.

The structure of inside editorial office allows publishing the news, innovations which happen in foreign, international trades union confederations. The priority direction of Staff of editorial office is considered to convey information to readers about economy social cultural process happening in republic.   “Ulfet” established wide information network in order to fulfill all these duties in time, exactly, qualitatively. Every day, information is included to the editorial office from the governmental and non governmental organizations, the structures of area trades unions. The materials in various genres and topics are prepared and conveyed to the readers on the basis of research of the very information and the facts obtained by the correspondents from the direct communication with the citizens.   Enlightening of the workers legally is always in the limelight of the newspaper. Survey letters which receive from readers are answered by the lawyers and specialists and are published in the rubrics of “You ask, we answer”, “Question and answer”,”Advocate”, “Your laws “.

During the 20 annual activities “Ulfet” prepared different rubrics in accordance with the requirements of each period. The articles are written in the rubrics of   “Society” , “Reality” , “Perspective” , The better” , Our youth-our future” , “Urgent” , Problem” , Social” , “Economy” , “Gender equality” , International panorama” , and others. Editorial staff organizes “Round tables” in the capital, in Sumgait and other regions and during that they discuss duties and problems of trades unions and protection of the rights of members.

Editor and some of staff of the newspaper were awarded honorary names of the Republic and with the medal of Anniversary of ATUC. Some articles which were published in “Ulfet” were declared to be the winner in different journalist creative competitions.

 The newspaper “Ulfet” is the first founder of Press Council.